The philosopher/poet/playwright Neil Oram offers more mind-nourishing poems, plays, novels and philosophical articles. |
HONESTYEveryone should live these truths, but do not. One) no one HAS a soul As soul which anyone imagines they HAVE or do not HAVE is an ego construct. I AM a soul. You are a soul embodied in an Earth made body. Not made from Matter, Energy, Space or time. Eternal which doesn’t mean a so-called ‘everlasting length of time’. Two) We are existing in a man-made bubble of illusion believing or not believing that we are separated from the true, dimension of eternal reality. This error of perception occurred millions of years ago. The effects of that error is being manifest continuously inside the bubble of our existence. Three) To escape from this man-made bubble, one has to be 100% convinced that real life exists outside the bubble. 99% conviction won’t open the door. Four) Everyone is aware that all organisations operate through using the compartmentalisation’ system. It’s basic center is ‘need to know’. You have access or no access to what the top brass know. This system of 'compartmentalisation’ is how your mind is operated… and you don’t ever examine the purpose behind this way of existing. Maybe one in twenty million??? This unique compartmentalisation, prevents you, the reader, from having any insight that only a person who has no compartments within their mind is a whole person. Everyone is conditioned to feel O.K. about living in non-related compartment and does absolutely NOTHING to change the structure of this disastrous way of existing. Five) No one knows what the substance is which separates one compartment in your mind from another. To find this out you have to concentrate for a very long time on TWO compartment at the same time. (No one has the so-called time to do this exercise.) Six) To be a whole person with no compartments is the origin of the word ’holy’. That word does not mean ‘good’. It’s only real, true meaning is 'whole’. I don’t believe there is one person on this planet today who has no compartments in his or her mind. Seven) I am not going to reveal how the compartments dissolve. Except it takes massive use of the power of ‘intent’. Eight) When Jesus Christ was for a few seconds under the River Jordan, any residue compartments vanished and he came back from under as Christ Jesus. For the next three years, Jesus never spoke. Only Christ spoke. The last words of despair were spoken by Jesus, not by Christ. At that moment, under the River Jordan, Christ made a spiritual tube connection with the dimension of eternal creation, which is available to every person, right now. Nine) This population is ruled by fear. The fear is used as the material to make an infinite means of distraction from feeling connected to reality. The substance of reality is an element…not an emotion. If you are fortunate to have been instructed by the Buddha of compassion–as was my immense good fortune–you will have experienced the love which passes understanding. I leave these nine points to bless anyone who makes a serious attempt to leave this bubble of illusion.
© neil oram 2024