Other New Poems

The Queen of certain uncertainty


Dancing Leaves or Air-brakes

Invisible Nourishment

Looking Inside the Wicker Coffin

Open Air

Served You.......?

Some Facets of the Inside Out

Song of an Astonished Peg




A girl
Until he stood before me.
When he turned his back on me
I Fell over.
When he was asleep on the naked beach
I covered his cock
With the fresh petals
Of a simple wild red rose.
As he walked away.
I stumbled on my dead
Mother’s thimble.
I know he is bleeding
He has lost my voice
Inside the labyrinth of Nemesis.
He called me Cordoba
Because I radiate
Tremendous heat
And mystery.

Yes, she was always leaning
On the left wall of the cathedral portico
Always the right side of her face
Hidden in hot shadow
And the falling black head scarf.
Her devastating mercurial beauty
Destroyed all hope I ever had
Of experiencing deep peace in this Snakes
And Ladders game of life.

At unpredictable moments
She would crackle
Her castanets
Stamp her steel heel
And wail
A soul destroying diatribe
Against the poison called 'love'.
Passers-by were electrified
Into statuesque immobility.
She yelled insults at the gaping mob!

Why was I chosen
To be tortured by her
Ungraspable flights?
Of course she always wore black
With silver threaded through the hem
And bodice. Never a day
Could pass with honest ease.
Although I was her adored slave
It did not help her
Acquire the skills needed
To be a disguised Queen.




© neil oram 2023